Our community has savoured each positive step forward through the pandemic. Vaccines becoming available, family being able to visit again in person, the return of all the wonderful recreation programs and live entertainment have all been milestones for us. No milestone, however, has been savoured more than on June 28, 2023 when the mask mandate was at last, lifted.“ I had a tough time recognizing everyone,” joked resident, Judy Barber, “I forgot how good looking everyone is!”

Through the pandemic, many of us have struggled with the ways masks have impaired our communication with each other. Being able to see each other fully while chatting or receiving care is not just a return to normal, but a real relief.

“We can now truly see the finish line,” shared Belmont’s Medical Director, Dr. Bradley Birmingham, “We have worked together very hard to protect everyone’s health and safety, and we will continue to do so. We anticipate that the risk of outbreaks of contagious illnesses will persist, especially through the fall and winter, and so our Infection Prevention and Control Team remains vigilant in its efforts against COVID-19 and other seasonal viruses.”

While the mandate has been lifted, Belmont House is still committed to providing a safe home for all residents, tenants, staff, and visitors. The health screening procedure at the front desk will continue for the foreseeable future and masks are available at all nursing stations for anyone that would like to continue to wear one.

Watch our Here Comes the Sun celebration video here:
